Building pathways of meaning through the analysis of critical discourse and the visual re-construction of reasons and sensations.
"My artistic practice is based on the concepts of space and perception as well as women’s evolving social condition. Within my work I question the body’s relationship with space, acknowledging it as the first ontological form of a known self-referential architecture to sustain a dynamic condition, and a conscious relationship with landscape and its unknowns. Through my work I intend to express a synchronic visual narrative to produce an experience, presented as real through the sites (virtual or material) at the moment (time) the piece exist. The articulated artistic space, as a form of expression, enables the possibility to generate a conceptual-specific reality to study meaning and spatial transformations as a continuous state of the cultural phenomena that its revealed as a product of interactions, but above all differences." -AC
Since 2010
I'm just curious!
Since 2010 I have been participating in collective and solo shows. Attracted to the difference of things, emotions, sensations and light my practice has been under development since I was 2 years old with the help of my late aunt, the artist Carmen Collazo - from whom I learned to stay curious.
Commission Painting/ Painter at Elicit Studio, Caguas, Puerto Rico.
Exhibition: "Objects of the Misanthropocene" at Illegal Museum of Beyond- Octagon Gallery University College of London.
Link: https://www.illegalmuseumofbeyond.co.uk/octagon/b.5-inaru
El Cuerpo del Paisaje (Bodies of the Landscape)- Dual Show- Epifanio Irrizarry Galery, Ponce, Puerto Rico
"Categoría 6" Collective art exhibition at "La Marqueta Art Space" New York (2018)
"Entre Gubias y Pinceles" art Collective at Epifanio Irizarry Gallery, Ponce, PR
"Enciende tu Luz" Art at "Museo de Arte de Caribbean University" (Museum of Art of Caribbean University), Bayamón, PR
" Arte contra el Hambre" Group Show at "Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico", (Museum of Art of Puerto Rico), Santurce PR.
Strange Encounters: Rethinking Place, Art Collective, 209 Gallery, University of Puerto Rico, (2016)
Luz Exhibition, Art Collective in celebration of "The Year of the Light" by Prisma Art Projects. (2015)
"Perspectivas de Mujer", Art Collective, Epifanio Irrizarry Gallery, Escuela de Bellas Artes,
Ponce Puerto Rico, (2015) http://galeriaepifanioiri.wix.com/exposicionesbap#!alitza-cardona-/yaeib
"Eclectica”, Art Collective , "Espacio Emergente," Bayamon, PR (2015) http://artnewspr.blogspot.com/2015/05/desigual-incoherente-y-eclectica-la.html
"Artistas en Tránsito," Art Collective, Rio Piedras, PR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-0RJNolVZw
Feria Cultura Urbana, Rio Piedras, PR
Santurce es Ley5 as part of the (design) collective Code Space Form, Installation on "Calle Cerra," Santurce, PR (2014)
http://santurceesley.com/2015/code-form-space/ http://monograph.io/luiselz/code-form_space -
Art Collective Exposition 2014 at University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras, http://humanidades.uprrp.edu/puntodefuga/index.php/el-colectivo-exposicion-de-arte-y- arquitectura/
Art Collective Exposition 2010 at University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras, (2010)

Conectados (2015) | Movement | Body | Space | Technology
As we are born, our first introduction to space is our body. Space becomes a place of possibilities as we identify how to expand the meaning of our senses within it. As we produce, we become embedded with circumstance elevating our need of knowledge to become free. But what does it mean to be free? In this era, we are producers of stories, property and meaning. Towards what end can we live vicariously or in a never-ending pursuit of unachievable satisfactions. When does technology simply signifies the benign? It is our flowing, liquid self, organized in codes of thought that enable the baste of an ever construction of emergent reality with otherness.

Artist, Writer and Researcher
Alitza Cardona-Collazo (b. 1991) is a multifaceted Puerto Rican professional, encompassing roles as an artist, anthropologist-historian, architectural designer, and museum expert. Currently pursuing her PhD in Sustainable Heritage at University College London, she delves into the intricate relationships between humans and space. Her research centers on the theoretical interpretation of symbols and meanings embedded in social discourses shaping cultural heritage.